Friday, April 18, 2008

The Border Patrol

In towns where illegal immigrants are common such as El Paso, the Border Patrol can be a personal subject to talk about. Before I knew anything about the border patrol, I thought they hired almost anyone, and were given a brief orientation on the job, then just drive around the city all day. After a very close friend of mine decided that he wanted to pursue the border patrol as his career, I can say without a doubt it is nothing like I had imagined. Before even being considered for a position, you must pass an entrance exam with at least a grade of 70. The test lasts 4 hours and consists of a logical reasoning test, and either a artificial language or spanish test. An hour after taking the test you are given the results if you have either passed or not, if fail you have to wait 3 months before being eligible to retake the test. After passing the test, you are given paper work to fill out from an extensive background check, must give your finger prints, and are scheduled for an oral interview and medical and fitness exam 30 days after you pass the test. When the oral interview comes, you are interviewed by 3 agents which will ask you a series of questions, the interview is a pass or fail basis. If fail, you have to wait 6 months before being able to retry again. If pass the interview, you move on to the medical exam, if pass that you than move on to the fitness exam. Which you must complete 25 sit up in a minute, 20 push ups in a minute, and a 5 minutes step cadence test. If you fail any part of the physical test, you have to wait 3 months before being able to retry. If you pass the interview, medical and fitness exam, you wait till your background and everything clears out, you are sent to training in New Mexico. Training can last from 8 weeks to 16 weeks (depending on your knowledge of spanish) While in training you must pass all classes with at least a 70, then the last test at training is a fitness test. Which you must complete a obstacle course in 2 min and 20 sec or less, 220 yard dash in 46 sec or less, and run a 1 1/2 miles in 13 minutes or less. If you fail any part of the physical exam, you must redo the whole training process, and have to wait 3 months before baing able to retry. After training and being stationed at your main station, you are on a probation period for 2 years. As you can see the border patrol look very closely at who they hire, and is not just a walk in the park like I had imagined it was to join!


Oscar said...

I though Border Patrol was just a bunch of guys sitting next to Paisano watching the dry river. I didn't know that so much was required in order to become a Border Patrol officer. Wow.

I heard that they are not allowed to give traffic tickets but I don't know how true that statement is. Anyone know?

Erika Jean said...

I just past the written, have my interview tomorrow! You info was very helpful.