Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Show Must Go On!

Well it has come to close the first chapter in my college career, and have a new one begin. I hate to admit, but it will be nice to have my Saturday's back! I can say that I have learned alot from my English 1312 class. I for one have learned how to use new technology such as "blogging" and using Photostory. Which I know will come in hand later on in my college career. I have also improved my writing ability, and how to write more effectively. I am willing to admit that looking back at my first paper how much of a disaster it was, but throughout the course I have learned to write more subjectively and not keep to much fat on my writings. It has been a fun and educating class, but eventually all good things must come to an end. But for my last blog, I am posting my Photostory presentation, which is on Teen Pregnancy Campaigning. I hope everyone has a relaxing and rejuvenating summer (I know I will!) and hope to see you next semester!

1 comment:

Cristina Devereaux Ramírez, Ph.D said...

Brandi, This is a great photostory, but remember your audience. The people coming onto your site will not have your background. Edit this to give your audience a better understanding of what you video is about and how it connects to rhetoric.
Happy summer, Mrs. R